- Pen Test Perfect Storm Trilogy - Part 2!!!
- January 21, 2022 at 1pm EST / 10am PST (GMT -5:00, New York)
- Sign up here at Core Security
- InGuardians is pleased to announce the release of the slides from Part 2 of the Pen Testing Perfect Storm webcast trilogy - featuring the return of SANS Pen Testing swashbucklers Ed Skoudis, Josh Wright and Kevin Johnson.
- Covering network, web app and wireless pen testing techniques, the second installment of Perfect Storm trilogy focuses on assessing the enterprise-wide fallout from a seemingly innocuous endpoint compromise - including how an exposed low-level Windows Vista box can quickly open the hatch to full-scale network subversion.
- During the webcast, you'll learn how to proactively test your network's vulnerability to sinking at the hands of a Client-Side Mutiny - and how to emulate what can happen after the initial compromise, including:
discovering wireless devices from exploited hosts with Josh Wright's newly released VistaRFMON
scanning and exploiting web applications with w3af
exploiting systems with Metasploit's integrated pass-the-hash functionality
Building on the premise that cyberthreats don't exist in a vacuum, the Perfect Storm webcast series presents tips for replicating real-world attacks that traverse multiple layers of infrastructure using combined network, web app, and wireless attack techniques.
- Pen Test Perfect Storm Trilogy - Part 1!!!
- The Pen Testing Perfect Storm webcast series brings you a deluge of security assessment tactics and strategies from the combined forces of three penetration testing experts:
Kevin Johnson: web guru and senior security analyst
Josh Wright: wireless wizard and senior security researcher
Ed Skoudis: network security penetration tester
This trio of experts will show you how to assess an organization's real business risks by taking a holistic, comprehensive look at your information security - just as determined and skilled attackers do in the wild. You'll learn techniques for safely replicating chains of threats that can pivot throughout your infrastructure, including:
Web -- SQL injection, cross-site scripting, remote file inclusion, etc.
Wireless -- wireless LAN discovery, crypto and protocol attacks, client duping, etc.
Network -- port scanning, service compromise, client-side exploitation, etc.
This webcast series is ideal for anyone seeking to go beyond point-focused, "tunnel-vision" assessments to real-world penetration testing - mimicking the sophisticated, multi-staged threats that pose the most significant information security risks to organizations today. Download the slides from the first installment of this webcast trilogy here: Pen Test Perfect Storm Trilogy - Part 1!!!